Artificial Intelligence: a pillar of security for the 2024 Olympics
The concerts of Depeche Mode, the legendary band of the 80s at the Accor Arena in Bercy recently served as the testing ground for the first smart cameras equipped withof softwareadvanced. The aim of these tests was to check that they were working properly for use during the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

Objectives and Features
according to an expertThe algorithms embedded in these cameras are designed to analyse various situations such as fights, abandoned objects, the presence of weapons, crowd movements, traffic problems and the crossing of prohibited areas. In all, eight types of situation can be detected from a dedicated control room. However, it is important to note that these cameras are not used for facial recognition to identify suspicious individuals.
Technology and Safety for the 2024 Olympic Games
The CNIL (Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés) is closely monitoring the use of these augmented cameras and has made them a priority in its strategic plan. The The Paris 2024 Olympic Games (JOP) are a real technological laboratory, integrating different situations. L’IArtificial AIntelligence (AI) jouera un rôle clé dans la sûreté, marquant une première à cette échelle sur le territoire français. Le défi sécuritaire de l’événement est immense, en particulier avec les centaines de milliers de personnes attendues le long by the event. The ministère de l’Intérieur asked for additional resources for video surveillance.
An unprecedented technological arsenal
The monitoring tools used will be based onIA to analyse live feeds from CCTV cameras and drones flying over the stadiums. However, in line with the recommendations of the CNILdecisions will not be automated.

Controversies and Perspectives
Pour l’association de défense des libertés « La Quadrature du Net », The deployment of algorithmic video surveillance represents a major turning point, seen as a first step towards mass surveillance. The introduction of these technologies raises important questions about the balance between security and respect for individual freedoms.
The use of smart cameras is ushering in a new era of technological surveillance during the OLYMPIC GAMES 2024.
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Source: Le Monde Informatique & TFI Info